Heather Dinich is looking ahead to the future of the remaining Pac-12 teams, which by next year will be Cal, Stanford, Oregon State and Washington State.

On ESPN’s “Get Up,” Dinich outlined the next steps.

“So long, farewell, it’s unfortunate, sad,” she said. “It depends on who you ask, Greeny, because you’re at a point now where we’re talking about an academic institution as prestigious as Stanford University that doesn’t know where it’s home will be in 2024. They have endowment money that they could dip into to save their sports, but if they wind up in the Mountain West Conference, which I’m assuming that’s where Washington State and Oregon State will land. Stanford and Cal are probably going to be begging the Big Ten to add them as well. But this is very detrimental if they have to join a conference that’s not in the Power 4, because they’re not going to be operating with $30 million of TV money.”

That would force Stanford to cut into the endowment, or cut sports, she said.